Donate to Tuma's Books

Want to be part of something special? Support a small business and help fuel our important mission of social justice and increasing access to diverse books by making a donation to Tuma's Books today!

We're a social purpose company that puts impact over profits: your donated funds will be used to help us with our monthly operating expenses, keeping us in business, vendor fees, sending us out into needy communities, helping us power our free diverse books program, and supporting non profit organizations fighting for social justice. Running a small business and online indie bookshop isn't easy and we can't do it alone. Let's make a difference, one book and donation at a time! 📚 THANK YOU!

Donate to our:

  • Operating Expenses Fund: We need about $1000 each month to cover website hosting fees, app service fees, advertising fees, printing, packaging and business supplies, such as ink and paper.
  • Vending Fees Fund: It costs anywhere from $100-$600 to attend an event as a vendor. Average fees for our events are $250/event and we try to do 3-4 each month.
  • Free Diverse Books Fund: We allocate about $50-$100 per request depending on the nature of the request. Our goal is to fulfill 4 requests each month. For free book distribution at community events, our goal is to give away at least 25 free books requiring at least $450/event. All unused funds/books are saved for the next month's requests/events.

Organizations that we have previously donated to:

Palestine Children's Relief Fund (October to November 2023) = $455