Colección: All Diverse Books

Beyond the Bestsellers - Discover Diverse Multicultural BIPOC Reads at Tuma's Books

At Tuma's Books, we work hard to provide you with a unique selection of curated diverse books. However, our ability to maintain a large stock of books on our website is limited.

To better serve you, we've partnered with,, and Kobo Books to provide easy access to books delivered right to your door or devices. So, when you make an account and choose Tuma's Books as your bookstore, we receive 10-30% in commissions that support our bookstore.

You can shop our available in-store selection of New, Bargain, & Used Books below.

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  • Physical Books: Not finding what you're looking for but want to still support our bookstore? Shop our Bookshop page for thousands of other amazing titles.
  • Audiobooks: On, you can browse our diverse audiobook playlists, sign up for a monthly audiobook membership for just $15/month, or shop audiobooks as low as $5.
  • Ebooks: Prefer to read digitally? Purchase ebooks through Kobo Books, browse e-reader options, or sign up for membership. Make sure to create an account first to link your account to our bookstore.
  • Wholesale/Bulk Books: Lastly, we are happy to offer wholesale pricing for bulk book orders. Get discounted books for your classroom, schools, library, community literacy programs, book clubs, and small/local businesses.