Reflections on Ch. 1-4 of The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settlers Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi - Tuma's Books

Reflections on Ch. 1-4 of The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settlers Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi

Fatuma Hydara

🎧 I've read 60% of The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settlers Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi.

Get the audiobook here, print book here, or get our Peace for Palestine Book Bundle which includes The Hundred Years' War on Palestine. 

💭 Brits interfere for their own gain is on brand.

💭 Herzl, father of Zionism, was scary smart and manipulated the heck out of world superpowers and even Jewish people to get the Jewish state he wanted.

💭 The US never minds its own business despite having its own problems. Supported Israel because the US is home to the largest Jewish population outside of Israel. And while there are now 7.6 million Jewish Americans, the US is also home to about 3 million Arab and 3.45 million Muslim-Americans, so what does it mean that our government is only thinking of Israel. Fuck us, huh?

💭 The complicity and silence of some of the neighboring Arab nations was/is disgusting and disappointing. It's sad when you can trust "strangers" to fight for your cause more than your own people.

💭 The U.N. what is their actual use? 😮‍💨 Other than having meetings and creating propositions that do more harm than good, when have they actually aided the international community?

💭 Is being self centered and a bully a requirement for being the leader of a powerful country? They say power corrupts but maybe power attracts already corrupt people.

💭 This isn't first time Israel has used going after a terrorist group as an excuse the bomb the heck out of civilian communities. Lebanon went through something similar as PLO was stationed in Beirut with Palestinian refugees.

💭 Wooooww, the leader of Israel in the 1980s really wasn't shit! He was so arrogant that he blatantly told the US leaders what he would do and they just bowed down to it. Weak AF and the US making promises to protect folks that they couldn't keep. Lebanon deserves reparations.

Sorry (not sorry) for not posting recently. Every time, I went to work on posts, it felt pointless given everything happening in the world and the stresses of being a very busy human with a soft heart.

Today, I wanted to share reflections from my readings + remind you of my Peace for Palestine Book Bundle and that I'm donating profits to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. It's not much, but it's something to ease the pain of the Palestinians, especially the children-many of whom have become orphans. 😥

May the pain all over the globe end soon as we find peace 🕊️.

~ Tuma 💔

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