Young Adult Anthologies - Short Stories to Fall in Love With! - Tuma's Books

Young Adult Anthologies - Short Stories to Fall in Love With!

Fatuma Hydara

I reallllly enjoy anthologies. They're perfect for reading slumps, little available reading time, exploring different themes/perspectives, and exposure to new authors.

Do you have a lot going on right now? Too much on your plate to juggle much reading? Or maybe your stressed-out brain cannot focus on a full-length novel storyline?

Well, I have some awesome YA anthology recommendations that will be great for low-pressure reading. Each story takes about 5-15 minutes, depending on your reading speed, to finish. And you can take breaks as necessary and return to next story without feeling lost.

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings -- perfect for AAPI/AANHPI Heritage Month and lovers of myths/legends.

Fresh Ink - if you don't mind that the stories don't have a single theme connecting them all. But each story offers wonderfully, authentic representation from a diverse array of authors and genres. This was an incredible collection. I really loved it.

Once Upon An Eid - Ya'll already know how I feel about this one. Diverse representation of Muslim cultures. The second Eid is coming up in June 2023, so it's the perfect time to grab this one now.

Our Shadows Have Claws: 15 Latin American Monster Stories - I can't wait to read this one. Only dilemma is should I wait for spooky season or just read it when I want!

Come On In: 15 Stories about Immigration and Finding Home - as a child of immigrants, these stories were very relatable. This was also our first novel when I taught 8th grade.

Blackout - collection of stories about Black teens in love, by six BIG-name YA authors.

Calling the Moon: 16 Period Stories from BIPOC Authors - Haven't seen ANYTHING like this before despite MORE THAN HALF the population has periods + stigma associated with menstration for many BIPOC cultures.

Lastly, but not least: Black Enough: Stories of Being Young and Black in America and Black Boy Joy: 17 Stories Celebrating Black Boyhood celebrating the beauty of Blackness. 

Order all of these titles and more, including Adult story collections, at my Bookshop page..

Happy Reading!

Let me know which ones you're adding to your To-Be-Read pile. 

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