Book Rec: Drama Free: A Guide to Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships by Nedra Glover Tawwab
Fatuma HydaraFAMILY—can't live without 'em and sometimes...you can't live with 'em either!
If family is causing drama in your life or you need help setting boundaries, check out Nedra Glover Tawwab's Drama Free: A Guide to Managing Unhealthy Family Relationships.
In this book, Tawwab, who is a licensed therapist, shared clear advice for noticing unhealthy family patterns and finding the best ways to break those cycles.
Her dedications touches at the very core of why such work is vital: "For us, people who need to learn to manage or leave unhealthy family relationships—we are the answer, not the people we can't control."
This guide is organized by first learning how to identify dysfunction in various areas (neglect, codependency, trauma) and how to heal, then you're free to go to where you need—issues with parents, siblings, children, extended family, in laws, etc.
This title is available as a possible surprise pick for our Mystery Wellness Book Box this January. Or you can purchase from Bookshop or Libro.fm (audiobook) directly and support our bookstore that way as well. There is also a workbook that will be available February 20th, 2024.
Remember, we may love our families, but not at our own expense. Take care of yourselves, my lovelies! ❤️