Recommendation: Kadooboo! A Silly South Indian Folktale by Shruthi Rao, illustrated by Darshika Varma (out Feb 6th, 2024) - Tuma's Books

Recommendation: Kadooboo! A Silly South Indian Folktale by Shruthi Rao, illustrated by Darshika Varma (out Feb 6th, 2024)

Fatuma Hydara

Kadooboo! A Silly South Indian Folktale by Shruthi Rao, illustrated by Darshika Varma (out Feb 6th, 2024)

This was such a fun and cute book! Told my husband about it after reading and even he enjoyed it. (I love that he indulges me, lol)

Kabir's friend, Anya's Appa (father) makes a warm, delicious treat called Kadooboo. It's a doughy pastry filled with sugar and coconut flakes. 😋

Kadooboo recipe

Kabir is given some to take home before it starts raining, but will be remember the name when he gets there? His Amma's (mom) sure to ask.

When fun and friends distract him along the way, the name gets mixed up in his head-- from Book-oo-doo to Duck-oo- oo!


But when he arrives home with a group of friends ready to share the Kadooboo, Kabir can't quite remember it's name. 😓

Luckily, a jolt of thunder as it starts to rain sparks his memory - Ka-Boo-Doo! And everyone enjoys the yummy treat.

Until his mom gives him a new treat to take back to Anya's house after the rain stops called Togarinuchinday! 😱 How will he ever remember that?!

I giggled endlessly reading this silly Indian Folktale retelling with playful wordplay and the perfect recipe for a great story time— friends, family, and food. Highly recommend!

Thanks, @pagestreetkids 💜!

Brighten up your kiddos library or classroom library with this fun, colorful picture book. Pre-orders available via my Bookshop.

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