Tuma Book Rant: Dear Senthuran-Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi

Fatuma Hydara
Dear Senthuran A Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi REVIEWWow! Hearing Emezi's words in her own voice is amazing. They've flayed themselves open wide and allowed their guts to spill onto the page for our consumption. I felt cannibalistic in listening. Emezi's writing is so poignant, simply speaking of it elevates my own writing. Most poetic Tuma Rant written. 😅

I was at about the 27% mark in listening to the audiobook on my commutes to and from work when I vowed, "I must have this book in hard copy." I felt the need to consume these stories through all senses. To feel the pages and its weight in my hands-the weight of Emezi's spirit in black & white. I need to underline, post-it tag, dwell, and ponder on sentences that are sharp strikes to the senses. (Ohhh, alliteration.) I need to taste the words as I utter particular passages aloud to sample how they fit into my mouth. (Woah...)

As I read, I mean, listened, my brain felt ready to implode. I was fangirling SO hard at how much I just want to be underlining and sharing specific lines. The multitude of absolutely gorgeously written sentences in this book is astounding.

All of the stories in Dear Senthuran are hella compelling, but the title story might be my fave. I cannot wait to reread the print book, which I purchased on Small Biz Saturday, along with Freshwater.

I can officially say that I am OBSESSED with Emezi and will automatically purchase ANYTHING that they write. Already got my eyes on forthcoming, Bitter and their poetry collection.

So, I think this rant has made it obvious already, but for the folks in the back-- GO. READ. THIS. BOOK!
Shop Emezi's Books here.
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